This Blood Problem
It is an interesting read so if you missed it please take the time to look at it. It turns out that Ken Chaplin's blood type is A- which is a one of the rarer types and he was now in need. The Blood Bank in
One such donor is a close of friend of mine who has the rare blood type O-. She can donate to anyone but if ever needs blood the donor must be O-. When she heard of need for Blood Bank need for donations of A- or O- she called me and asked me to carry her to Blood Bank.
This Ken Chaplin story has once again highlighted how serious this blood issue can be. My friend is a regular donor. I encourage all to give blood at least once a year. My next donation will be in March 2006 when will yours be?
The quote below from the article has an error.
"Then some started visiting the Blood Bank to donate blood, but all except one donation did not fall within the category of my rare type. The one came from the brother of a friend who dashed from his home in Portmore to the Blood Bank in
Based on the tone of the article and a sentence further down, it is clear that it was only one unit matched his type.