Your Vote Counts : You got to make a choice

The last time I wrote I was questioning who to vote for. I now have the answer and it is simple. Vote for a better situation. There is no point saying that you are not voting as that will not stand a chance of making things better. Everyone who wants better must vote and let their voice be heard.

Every Vote Counts
By not voting, nothing changes if that is what you want then that is good. I must tell you that in the last general election in Jamaica in 2002, a few more votes, less than 40,000, and it could have been the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) in power and not the Peoples National Party (PNP). Simply put, if a few hundred more persons had voted for the JLP in some constituencies they would have won the last election.

In the local government election in 2003 a few more votes, less than 20,000 as matter of fact, the PNP would have controlled the Parish Councils. Twenty thousand might sound like a big number but it is simply 20,000 multiples of one(1) The truth is every vote counts, your vote counts.

So go out, get enumerated and on election day cast your vote. If you want my opinion on who to vote for I will tell you. After seventeen years we have seen what this government has done. There is no clear plan for the country and it is growing signs that the people in charge are becoming arrogant. Ask yourself what is the leading foreign exchange earner in the country. It is time we let our leaders know that we will not stand for foolishness. If new JLP team does rubbish they must be voted out also in five years time.

Prediction: General Elections will be held in October 2007 and Local Government Elections either early January or late June 2007.

N.B. I also think it is time to set the general election date and it should be every 4 years on the first Thursday of February.


Anonymous said…
I agree that all votes count towards making a better Jamaica. However, when one is stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place, the decision is not so easy. The fact is that although prima facie we have a choice, if we should look very closely there is in fact no choice as no matter what we choose, we will be in no better position.

The question then becomes, do we then stick with the evil we know, or do we try something new but in which we have little faith?

We are in quite a predicament, aren't we?

My best advice?...

I must admit that for the very first time, I don't have one to offer because I have no confidence in any of the parties that are seeking to be elected to the Government of Jamaica.
Anonymous said…
I agree with that Anonymous comment. However where I differ is that i will be voting for PNP because I don't trust the JLP's promises of free this and that because I know it won't happen. How do I know you ask? Well to start with this country has a hell of a debt burden and no time soon is that going away. The little that is left over is used to deal with everything else Jamaica needs. In order for JLP to deliver their promises, they will have to do what Omar Davies says they will have to do:

1. Borrow more money and I agree, there is no cheap money out there.

2. Pray for debt forgiveness...that won't happen as it only happens for countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Now how do I know that I won't be landed with a heavy tax package in my back? Seaga tried that in 1980 and it aint gonna work in 07! By 1984 they realised that they had to succumb to pressure.

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