Parking and Not Thinking

On Wednesday, January 22, 2006, I paid the price for not thinking. I had journeyed to downtown Kingston Jamaica, a place I hate because of the parking issue. After completing my first task of making a delivery at the Administrator General's Office I decided to sit down get something to eat and pen a few thoughts for a report I was preparing.

I saw a spot by Burger King on King Street and decided that this must be a nice place to park. No "No Parking" signs, no curb painted yellow and the parking area looked similar to spots all along King Street on both sides of the road. So I parked my car and went inside Burger King where they ran me out because they were closed while asking me how did I get in? I pointed out that the door was open. They said they were locked and the door should have been locked. I decided to try Juici Patties instead just across the street. I am vegetarian but will have fish at times. I purchased my meal of 2 vegetable loaves and sat down and ate while writing my thoughts for the report.

Fire Hydrant
On leaving Juici Patties, I noticed a wrecker towing a car from the spot where I was parked. My heart skipped a beat; where was my car? I asked a lady standing by if she had seen my white Nissan Sentra to which she replied no but another lady standing by chimed in and said yes, and told me a wrecker took it up the road. Relieved but upset I suddenly noticed the that for some strange reason I had just seen the fire hydrant. I had just overlooked the red fire hydrant and you are not to park, I was reminded later, within seven(7) feet of a fire hydrant.

First I had to find the pound which is located on Barry Street only 2 blocks away. I then had to walk back to the KSAC office which was on the same block and pay the fine then return and submit the receipt and get the car. I had a problem, I had no cash and the loud mouth Mayor of Kingston's operations in this day and age does not accept debit cards. Credit Cards and Personal cheques I can see would be a definite no.

Pound as my Parking Spot
Luckily I had some business to do at National Commercial Bank(NCB) on Barry Street so I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Now that I knew where the car was I would simple do my business at the bank, get the cash, all JMD $3,000 of it, walk back to the KSAC office on Church Street and then get my car. So said so done.

I must say that the persons at the car pound were very pleasant and jovial and dealt with me in professional manner. There were others coming to retrieve their vehicles some like me acknowledging the stupidity of their actions while others expressed their disgust of being wrongly towed. Yes my hatred for parking downtown Kingston Jamaica remains but I learnt my lesson; I have got to be more observant.


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