Female Cop help Man Beat Fellow Cop

The Jamaican police are in the news again. It was announced a few days ago that murders in Jamaica for the month of January 2006 were down by 23% when compared to January 2005. That is good news. How much that has to do with the effort of the police another thing but it is still good news.

Then comes the news that a female cop aided by civilians took it unto themselves to beat a male cop. The Observer reports that there was an accident involving a vehicle driven by the male cop and another in which the female cop appeared to be a passenger. Instead of trying to resolve the incident peacefully, the off duty male cop was dragged from his vehicle, abused and beaten by a civilian while at some point the female cop points her gun at him.

What madness is this? The level of the madness increases based on the fact that he even attempted to identify himself to no avail. This happens to occur in the same parish, St. James, where a policeman, Coporal Grantly Waite, was beaten and subsequently died over a glass of water. So be careful if you are involved in an accident with the police, say a prayer first and then call the ambulance and the nearest hospital.

We are still awaiting a report on whether anyone has been charged as yet for the Corporal Waite beating. Maybe the persons to make the report are afraid of a beating themselves or in need of one.


Anonymous said…
WOW. I dont know what to say. Just when I was missing "home" , I dotn know if I want to even visit. :(
It is sad, but just further evidence that the human condition is indeed in need of some serious repair. That same attitude of rebellion that Satan used to poision the minds and sway the loyalties and affections of the once holy angels now fallen, has indeed polluted our society. how do we know this? becasue the same forces taht are at paly to cause a man to beat a child to death over a cup of yogurt is the same evil taht is behind the madness addressed in the beating blog.
We need Jesus, He is the answer, and as cheesy as it may sound, it is very true. In the mean while, we must be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. be soft spoken when we can even if it is not "our style" if we meet in an accidnet or an argument or a dispute, we must remmber that a soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stirs up anger. It is not worth s beatign or worse just because we feel as if we need to "provr" something. sometimes you can have your right and lose it too. If it measn walking away unhurt and alive keep your cool, and SERIOUSLY say a menaingful prayer.

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