Cop beaten in Jamaica Dies

It is with regret that I report that the Corporal Grantly Waite, a member of of the Jamaica Constable Force(JCF) beaten by colleagues has died. I wish to extend to his family my deepest condolences.

I hope the Commissioner of Police, Mr Thomas, will be able to let us have the report that supports his utterances that this incident was blown out of proportion. The report on the result of the investigations is still not available to the public. Is this another Micheal Gayle case where we can not find anyone responsible? Micheal Gayle for those who don't know was beaten by a group of Police and Soldiers on Patrol until he vomited feaces and soon thereafter died. No one was held responsible.

Unidentified victim
I heard on a radio discussion on HOT 102 FM a policeman saying, based on information available to him, that sometime after Corporal Waite was beaten he was found suffering at the gate of the hospital by a security guard which happens to be beside the police station. The guard had to call the hospital to get an ambulance to carry him to the building itself. To this day no one knows how he got to the gate of the hospital. He spent a few days in the hospital as an unidentified victim until he came around and was able to tell his caregivers who he was and the sad story.

Until this day we know of no one being suspended or of any other action being taken. It is sad when someone is brutalised and ultimately dies over a request for a glass of water at a police station.

nb: Subsequeny to writing this I now understand that following the death of Corporal Waite Mr. Thomas has said the files will be with the Director of Public Prosecutions by Tuesday December 20, 2005.


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