Blood Issues

On Wednesday I gave blood for the second time this year. It is a very simple procedure. All is needed is that you find a center where you can donate blood. If it is the first time at that center or locale you will need register otherwise they will just look up your file. In my case they could not find my file and that was the same story the last time. When I asked what about the computer system I was told that was down. In Jamaica the blood bank is a government run agency so what was I expecting.

The next stage involves them sticking one of my fingers to get a few milliliters of my precious commodity and using it in determining what blood group I am. Well my blood group is A and based on that by blood type is A something. I neglected to ask the technician whether it was A- or A+. My girlfriend wasted no time in asking me why I did not ask. It just did not register. Yes it there is a slight difference between blood group and blood type. Blood group deals with the presence of certain proteins A or B while blood type deals with the presence of certain proteins A or B plus the Rhesus factor (Rh) factor. The -/+ sign indicates the Rh factor

Blood Types

How important is this A- versus A+? It is very important, so I am learning, as some blood types are more common than others and some not compatible with others. The blood types are not evenly distributed according to one source. In some populations some types might be rare which could pose a problem and here is why. Based on your blood type you can only receive blood from specific blood types. O- is a universal donor but can only receive from O- donors while AB- is the universal receiver and can receive from any group but AB- can be a doner to no one except AB-. If you are in a population where you blood type is rare and especially if you are a lady of childbearing age you are encouraged to donate regularly which is up to 4 times per year.

On to the next stage where you are interrogated while your blood pressure is taken. You are asked a serious of medical questions including recent surgeries, dentist visits, or if you have had any colds recently. Then you are asked about your sexual practices. You are also asked when and what you last you ate. As a general practice ensure you have a healthy meal before going to donate blood. Once you have answered all those questions to the satisfaction of the interrogator you are on to the next phase.

This a where you are asked to sit in a specially-designed seat with your feet elevated. After a few minutes a spot on your arm near the joint that will be punctured is cleaned and an elastic material tightened around your biceps. You are given a rubber ball to squeeze when instructed. Then the bag that will receive your donation of blood is placed in a rocking receptacle and the needle slowly injected into your blood vessel. Once secured you are left to alternately squeeze and release ball on until the bag is filled with your donation. Once completed the needle is removed and cotton swap placed over the puncture point and pressure applied.

Your Gift
After the punctured skin heals and band-aid is placed in position, you offered a Soft drink, Malta or Red Stripe Beer for your hard work. With that your visit is over. One gift you could give this season is the gift of blood. As the blood bank puts it the life you save could very much be your own. As Christians the world believe it is the blood that Jesus the man gave, that gives us the opportunity to be saved. Why not give blood and save a life today.

Useful Links
Wickpedia on Blood Types
How Stuff Works -Blood Types/Groups
Blood Appeal in Jamaica


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