
Showing posts from June, 2008

Douglas Chambers Death a Shame

When I heard that Douglas Chambers, former chairman of the JUTC, had been shot, I hoped beyond hope that he would survived. When I heard that he was dead I was deeply hurt. Working for a dollar($1) because he believed in his country and believed that soon or later people would see that what he was doing was for the best, Douglas Chambers was cut down by cold hearted criminals.  To honour the hard work that he was doing to correct the problems at the JUTC, I believe that everything that was in the agreement that was to be signed should go ahead. There must be no turning back and redundancies should proceed as outlined. I am heartened by the report in the Jamaica Gleaner, No Halt to JUTC redundancy plans,  the Minister in charge and the board has expressed there commitment in carrying the process forward. Here is a good letter which I pretty much full endorse. Here is a quote  The chairman of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC), Dougie Chambers, was trying his best to clean up the s...