
Showing posts from April, 2007

'We should all drop Bounty Killer'

This is a very good article and we all should read it . After we have read it, those of us that have this country at hear need to think about what we are going to do. Are we going to boycott companies like Cable and Wireless that continue to support artistes like these and use them in their advertising campaigns. What ever have to that coalition of companies that sometime ago decide not to sponsor anymore stage shows? I wonder who were the sponsors of that show in Montego Bay. This is a an excellent and easy way where the churches can tell their members to stop buying the products and services of companies that continue to support this kind of slackness. This is about being our brother's keepers, protecting them from those that promote violence and hail gunmen. It is time we stand up for justice and truth and play our part in the advance of our nation Jamaica.