Why I grew to love Blackberry 10 - Part 2

In part 1, I spoke about the hub, gestures and meeting mode. Today we continue by looking at a few more.

4. Blackberry Blend (10.3.1) (View Blend Demo)
Even in its unfinished state, it has effectively replaced my email desktop client and allowed me to stay connected and productive. It is unified connection on the desktop. Connect to your phone over Wi-Fi (meaning you could leave it at home charging) or via USB and work on/from/via your phone.   From your desktop (PC/Tablet) you can respond to BBM, Email, SMS right there. Additionally you get message alerts and you can see who is calling, messaging or email you all on your desktop while at work or play.

There is no need to touch the phone except for making calls. (If Whatsapp was integrated into the hub that would be awesome. It is possibly one reason why Whatsapp wanted BB10 dead.

Then once you turn off Blend on the Desktop/Tablet it’s all gone.

5. Keyword adapts, predictive based on usage and style (View Keyboard demo).
As you type commonly used words are noted and are suggested saving you valuable time. Flick the words to the text area as you see them. This is a joy. A similar feature is found with email. Certain emails are sent or forwarded to certain people the email client quickly suggest those contacts for your convenience. Add to this the option swipe to left with one finger on the keyboard to delete a word, 2 fingers,  2 words. The keyboard can be accessed from anywhere by swiping up with 2 fingers.

6. Video screen-share (View Demo)
When using video calling via BBM users can share the contents of their screen, pictures documents etc. This is a lovely team collaboration tool.

7. The Browser
When this browser was first launched it had to be one of the best. For one before the final demise of Flash it supported it. Beyond that, reader mode is especially useful for reading articles. In addition in reader mode, the articles can also be read to you. The standard features such as desktop mode is also very useful

8. Shortcuts.
The BB10 devices with physical keyboards add another dimension, shortcuts. While many are per-configured they can be customised you can add your own. For example from the home screen, press and hold the following letters
  • A - opens the contacts, 
  • B - opens the browser, 
  • C - and you are ready to compose a message, 
  • D - creates a remember note
  • K - locks the device
  • L - opens the calendar , 
  • Q - toggles the normal an silent mode of the phone
  • U - opens the calculator
  • R- opens the clock
There are many others, accessible from the home screen and with email, the calendar and other apps. For example, within the email app 'N' and 'P' will give you next and previous.  See more

In Part 3, I will look at multi-tasking, the file manager and the remote access

  1. Blackberry 10 Change Log
  2. Keyboard Shortcuts (Q10,Classic, Passport)


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