The Funny Side of Edward Seaga

Former prime minster of Jamaica, Edward Seaga is generally known to be a serious man. However this article in the Jamaica Gleaner today shed a little light on the other humorous side of the man.

Here is a snippet
It was Seaga, however, who, in theatrical terms, 'brought down both sides of the House' when in response to an announcement of a steep increase in import duties on motor vehicles in the early 1970s, he turned to the chair and asked: "Mr Speaker, is that what this government means when it says it is putting this country back on its feet?"
For the younger readers, and those not Jamaican, to get some context as you read the rest of the article, Former Prime Minister of Jamaica Micheal Manley is Mike, and was the Prime Minister before and after Edward Seaga served in that office. Read the rest here...


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