Douglas Chambers Death a Shame

When I heard that Douglas Chambers, former chairman of the JUTC, had been shot, I hoped beyond hope that he would survived. When I heard that he was dead I was deeply hurt.

Working for a dollar($1) because he believed in his country and believed that soon or later people would see that what he was doing was for the best, Douglas Chambers was cut down by cold hearted criminals. 

To honour the hard work that he was doing to correct the problems at the JUTC, I believe that everything that was in the agreement that was to be signed should go ahead. There must be no turning back and redundancies should proceed as outlined. I am heartened by the report in the Jamaica Gleaner, No Halt to JUTC redundancy plans, the Minister in charge and the board has expressed there commitment in carrying the process forward.

Here is a good letter which I pretty much full endorse. Here is a quote 
The chairman of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC), Dougie Chambers, was trying his best to clean up the stench in the JUTC created by politicians who pad the payroll with vultures, bleeding and milking the JUTC to the point where it was impossible to make a profit. 'Drivers' were being paid who did not drive a day. Conductors were pocketing the daily fares. Political hacks were placed on staff, turning up only on payday to collect a cheque. Employess were selling stolen JUTC parts to the JUTC at inflated prices.  Read more

Another excellent article came from Danville Walker, former Director of Elections and Commissioner of Customs. Here is a two quotes
Corruption, patronage, greed and self-interest will not go quietly into the good night simply because words are spoken out against it. Persons benefiting from multimillion-dollar criminal enterprises will not seek other forms of employment simply because a few managerial changes make it more difficult for their business to be carried on as before. 
He was murdered because he had the audacity to challenge the status quo of inefficiency, patronage and corruption and the rot that so easily can overtake a place when management is unqualified and incompetent. Read more
It is time for Jamaicans to stand up. The people who presided over the creation of this mess at the JUTC should be ashamed of themselves. It is time those that play by the rules stop getting shafted.



Anonymous said…
I am glad to see that more and more people are talking about this tragedy. I cannot believe that Douggie is gone.
It is time for Jamaicans to "stand up for your rights"
Don't let the corruption become something that is out of anyone's control. Don't let them ruin that beautiful country.
Anonymous said…
Another year has come and gone.

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