Cassava, Jamaica new national dish

In his speech in the Budget Debate, the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Christopher Tufton urged Jamaicans to eat more Cassava. This was the government's response to rising food prices or the "Food Crisis"  as mentioned by Omar Davis, former Finance Minister and Opposition Speaker on Finance. 

The only cassava I currently eat is its derivative, Bammy.  I have a few questions for Dr. Christopher "Cassava" Tufton. What happen to the other ground provisions? Let me promote a list of things we need to grow more and eat more
  • Irish Potatoes 
  • Sweat Potatoes
  • Breadfruit, Plant breadfruit trees every where.
  • Banana
  • Plantain
  • Yam - Yellow, White 
These can be cooked in a variety of ways such as baked, boiled, fried(least healthy). They can be diced and crushed and used to create delightful salads.  I might just start my own recipe site.


Anonymous said…
lol. I'm Sorry, even though it's healthy to some extent, I think you will get bored with that.

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