Dual Cititzenship Storm grows.

This issue or non-issue has brought out comments from the Director of Election.

The Gleaner reports Mr. Walker comments in this quote:

However, Mr. Walker cautioned the media and the public "not to fall prey and be misled by election or political 'gimmickry' in this sensitive period leading up to the general election". - August 17, All 146 candidates legitimate - Walker.

On the other side, The gleaner reports the following:

"In a Gleaner interview yesterday, Mr. Pickersgill said his party has gathered credible information about JLP candidates who have sworn allegiance to a foreign power, but added that it was seeking to obtain irrefutable evidence, before proceeding to court. " - August 23, 2007, People's National Party (PNP) probes allegiance - Seeks irrefutable evidence to disqualify Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) candidates.

With Hurricane Dean gone, the Dual-Citizenship storm is strengthen to become a Hurricane. Please listen for futher bulletins and prepare for the mighty noise that is going to rise up in the media in the coming days if not weeks.


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