Who do you vote for?

Just weeks after the Trafigura Scandal that should have painted the Peoples National Party(PNP) red with shame and a pity to behold, comes reports that there are massive breaches in procurement procedures in the Jamaica Labour Party(JLP) controlled Parish Councils. True to form and not to be left out, a PNP Parish council is involved. The righteous Minister Dean Peart who obviously saw nothing wrong in the Trafigura Scandal, "yes it is immoral, unethical but not illegal", has called in the police.

This country is simple corrupt to the bone. The infamous Renato Adams was once reported to have said that 70/75% of Jamaicans are involved in crime. Could he be right, or could it be "all in his mind"?

I honestly believe the JLP is probably not the brightest party in the country. How could Bruce be allowing the Parish Councils to be running amok while he, Audley Shaw and Karl Samuda are out front shouting corruption and pointing fingers? This given the fact that an audit done last year already pointed to some problems in the Parish Councils. Bruce Golding should have hauled the Mayors and the councillers in and told them to control their actions and ensure that everything was above board or else. I wonder if after this Parish Council issue breaks if Bruce Golding will still want to have Local Government Elections soon?

Bruce Golding must move quickly and if anyone is guilty he must not excuse them but firmly put his foot down and have them removed. His actions have to back up his talk or else he will be condemned, if he is not already, to contributing to stench already coming from the pile of politicians already rotting in the garbage of political life in Jamaica today.

nb: Audley Shaw seems to be catching Foot in mouth disease from the former 'One Don'

Police to investigate irregularities at St. Catherine Parish Council


Anonymous said…
this will be the first election that i am old enought to vote...no one doing anything to deserve it so I am not voting
Anonymous said…
The last General Election, less than half of the people eligible to vote, voted for the next Prime Minister of Jamaica. If you didn't vote, you would have had no say in what ever they throw at you.

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