Return the money - CC takes the fall.

The Prime Minister of Jamaica, Portia Simpson-Miller, has finally spoken and given instructions that the JMD $31 million dollars be returned to Trefigura. In addition, news is now surfacing the Peoples National Party (PNP) General Secretary and Minister of Information, Collin Campbell, has resigned. Interestingly, we have also heard rumors, on HOT102 FM, that the PNP is seeking a JMD$45 million dollar settlement from the bank involved in the leak.

I find this all a bit amusing. Return the money, ditch Collin Campbell as the fall guy, settle with with the $JMD 45 million dollars from the bank and Portia and the PNP will come out looking good and possibly with a profit. Already one apologist, has hailed the decision as correct and saying that the PNP could now rebound from the current scandal.

Why CCOC - CC only charged (with responsibility)?
Collin Campbell it must be noted was a key member in Portia Simpson-Miller's Team Jamaica. Was Collin Campbell the only one that knew about this transaction? I really don't think so . He certainly did not act alone or did he? Collin Campbell in his resignation letter states that he met with Trafigura in August 2006 and made the arrangements but failed to advise the leader, chairman or legal adviser of the party about the details of deal. (Resignation Letter)

While he failed in informing the PNP leadership ( of the plan), the PNP leadership, initially seem to have no problem with the money anyway. What about the minister(s) under whose portfolio watch the Nigerian Oil deal and related payments actually fall?

What are we to think of the integrity of all the other ministers including the chairman of the PNP, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who vehemently defended the gift and attacked those who would dare to suggest that there was a moral or ethical problem? By the way at least two of those gentlemen are lawyers.

When the money left the CCOC Associates account and was deposited into the SW Associates account who then used the money? Did they not know of the source of the money or did they not bother to ask?

Brilliant move Prime Minister, but seriously why all this, if it was a donation and nothing was wrong(legally or ethically) with the gift?

PNP to return troubling $31mn to Trafigura
Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) calls return of $31mn as damage control
Collin Campbell resigns
PNP members instructed to wait for official party statement
Collin Campbell Resignation letter


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