Higher Highway Tolls & The Portmore Motorist.

The operators of Highway 2000 have requested a toll increase of 12 1/2% on average for the different categories of motor vehicles. As part of the contract or terms of agreement they are allow do so. The increase is interestingly based on the U.S. inflation rate and changes in the value of the Jamaican dollar the United States dollar.

Use of the toll road.
On the week-ends, with my journeys to the north coast of Jamaica I have often opted to use the Mandela to Spanish Town leg of Highway 2000. What I noticed was that but for a few other motorists I was generally on my own. So one week-end on my way out of Kingston I decided to try the old route which is Mandela Highway (Ferry) through Central Village unto the Spanish Town Bypass then unto the Bog Walk Gorge. Interestingly I found that the old route indeed seems shorter and I will be checking the distance next time. Also the time I took was about the same if not less. Since then, I have not used the Highway to leave Kingston but I still do coming back because of my urge to speed.

Portmore residents to face the 'Tax'
Interestingly on a Radio Programme, Mr. Trevor Jackson, managing director of TransJamaican Highway, when asked how much would be the toll for the Portmore to Kingston leg of the Highway decline to answer with specifics. When pressed and asked if it would be higher that the $50 leg between Mandela and Spanish Town answered yes with no reservations. The Portmore residents have been in a 'catch 22' situation. They want easier access out of Portmore but not by way of a tax. The reality is if a motorist has to travel to and from Portmore and Kingston five days a week in a month it will be additional expense of at least $2,400 per month or $28,800 per annum. In Jamaica today that is no funny money with rent, food, utilities on the rise.

While many Jamaicans continue to be held in check by the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), which I call "Me outfox U", prices are going up all around.

Plans to increase toll charges


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