PM and PNP shackled

A January 22, 2006, the Prime Minister of Jamaica at a Peoples National Party's NEC conference announced the date and place for the PNP's presidential elections. The election exercises he announced would be held at the National Arena on February 25, 2006. This was to be the beginning of the real drama.

JBU Clash
It turns out that this was again a pie in the sky announcement. It seems the Prime Minister kept the date and place close to his chest and any feeble attempts to see if the National Arena was really available was poor to say the least. The National Arena was booked by the Jamaica Baptist Union(JBU) for the Saturday February 25 and Sunday February 26, 2006. Although the JBU conference was to be on the Sunday, the JBU needed the Saturday to make preparations. In the days following the announcements we heard of meetings to see if the PNP and the JBU could broker a compromise. Eventually we heard of a possible compromise where the JBU would make preparations before, during and after the PNP elections. It just did not sound realistic and I was not convinced that could work.

Gibson Relay Clash
We thought oh well maybe politics ruled again but it was not to be as on February 25, the Gibson Relays, an annual big athletic championship, is also scheduled to be held at the National Stadium, which happens to be on the same grounds as the National Arena. The promoters of Gibson Relay were not amused, clearly distraught and voiced their complaints loudly. In effect they said to the PNP, we don't want you and you politics here, you will frighten away spectators and the money. Two big events at the same location sparked fears of parking problems and potential violent problems from rowdy PNP political supporters. The mix was just not acceptable.

Poor Planning
In the end, it turns out that politics lost but many questions came out of this issue. How could the prime minister make such announcement without checking to see if the arrangements could work? Is this why so many of the grand announcements made by this administration have gone with the wind e.g. "40,000 IT jobs..." - Paulwell, "..Pothole free in 2003...-Pickersgill" ? Is this how they plan things? Make announcements and then plan afterwards?

Poor Advice
I would have thought that with all his highly paid advisors and consultants this simple matter would have been properly thought out. No wonder the country is in a mess. It also brought to the foreground how insipid politics has become to the people of Jamaica.

In November of 1997 after the Reggae Boyz had qualified to attend the World Cup of Football, the Prime Minister announced a public holiday. It turned out he had not followed proper procedure(and the law) . When questioned about his actions his response then was that the law was not a shackle.

On 25th of February it will see the PM, PNP and the delegates voting at Jamaica College instead of the National Arena. This time it was not the law that was not followed but proper procedure and P.J Patterson found his will and desire shackled by the planners of the Gibson Relay and JBU who chose to make proper plans.

PM annouces the date
Event goes to Jamaica College
Looking a new Venue
PNP Delegate Conference goes to JC


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